Starting a business is a challenging journey, and what you want to do often differs from what you can actually do. Reflecting on my experience with several startups, I want to share some key insights that can guide you. This discussion could also serve as a valuable topic for our training sessions. Building a successful business involves four stages:
1. Ignorance
At the beginning of the entrepreneurial journey, many founders are unaware of the challenges they will face. They may not see the potential opportunities and may ignore or underestimate them because they don’t yet realize the knowledge they need. Entrepreneurship can seem simple, with a belief that new technology will guarantee success. However, while good technology is important, it is just like having advanced weapons for war; you also need an army, a decision-making system, and leadership to win.
2. Acceptance
As you encounter challenges, it becomes clear that there is a lot to learn, and many skills are difficult to master. At this stage, you can identify the issues and break them down into clear steps. It’s like looking in a mirror and understanding the shapes and boundaries. In others’ success stories, decisions appear full of wisdom, and cause-and-effect relationships seem clear. However, this phase is mostly theoretical. It’s easy to think idealistically and analyze things from a distance. You may not fully grasp the day-to-day realities of entrepreneurship—like managing resources and navigating challenges. At this point, it’s time to move from theory to action.
3. Practice
Turning theory into practice is much harder. Achieving your entrepreneurial goals requires meeting many conditions and facing numerous difficulties. The real world doesn’t present sharp, clear choices. Decisions often feel vague and are based on fragmented information and intuition. While successful case studies look glamorous, they are often polished versions of the real, messy journey. Entrepreneurship is about dealing with daily challenges—managing finances, making tough decisions, and handling uncertainty.
At this stage, it’s easy to get frustrated. You might find yourself questioning why your team is moving so slowly or making mistakes. This mixture of idealistic thinking and harsh reality is common and is referred to as the “tyranny of the mind.” It’s not that entrepreneurship is harder for you; it’s simply the inherent reality of the process. These challenges aren’t always evident in other people’s success stories. You’ll realize how difficult it really is.
The hardest part of decision-making is recognizing reality. First principles serve as a compass for making decisions. While they can’t predict every obstacle, they help guide you in the right direction. The right decision is just the first step. Even if you choose the correct path, you’ll still have to overcome many obstacles along the way.
4. Growth and Mastery
If entrepreneurs maintain a growth mindset and continue learning, they can gradually master the true essence of entrepreneurship. As you develop, managing your business becomes easier. The key to success lies in creating a strong management system and developing the right talents in each role. A manager, much like a director, guides the team, handles special situations, and ensures everyone performs their role well. The director’s job is to perfect the plan and prepare for the future, not to micromanage every detail.
The real world is too complex to be fully described in words, and we must acknowledge our cognitive limitations and the unpredictable factors that affect our success. The excitement of entrepreneurship comes from the challenges and uncertainties that shape the journey. I hope we can continue to communicate, learn, and grow together on this path.